all postcodes in M30 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M30 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M30 9AA 17 0 53.4869 -2.335416
M30 9AD 38 0 53.486705 -2.334465
M30 9AE 30 0 53.487337 -2.33679
M30 9AF 11 0 53.48782 -2.334262
M30 9AG 39 0 53.490214 -2.330076
M30 9AH 48 0 53.486705 -2.334465
M30 9AL 6 3 53.486902 -2.334677
M30 9AN 97 0 53.489948 -2.334745
M30 9AP 16 1 53.486707 -2.337222
M30 9AQ 24 0 53.489996 -2.330888
M30 9AR 51 0 53.487848 -2.337216
M30 9AS 36 0 53.490866 -2.331483
M30 9AT 19 0 53.490524 -2.331827
M30 9AU 20 0 53.490414 -2.3357
M30 9AW 61 0 53.489736 -2.333795
M30 9AX 23 0 53.489588 -2.335557
M30 9AY 34 1 53.489286 -2.334063
M30 9AZ 8 0 53.489397 -2.329708
M30 9BA 23 2 53.489176 -2.33153
M30 9BB 16 0 53.490876 -2.334332